
View Web Pages in Full Screen Mode and Switch Between Tabs with Keyboard Shortcuts

SUMMARY: Toggle full screen mode in the Google Chrome web browser. While tabs are hidden, switch between pages with keyboard shortcuts.
This is a simple Google Chrome tip, but beginners may find it useful. Others still may learn a keyboard shortcut or two.

When browsing a web page that you plan on staying at for awhile, such as a web-based electronic mail service, you might wish to temporarily hide everything else onscreen including Chrome's address bar to view more of the page. To do so, either click the wrench button and select "Full Screen", or press the F11 key. Press F11 to later exit full-screen mode. But if you have web pages opened in multiple tabs, how do you switch between them in full screen mode since the tabs disappear?

You can cycle between tabs using Ctrl+Tab to access the next tab, or Ctrl+Shift+Tab to access the previous tab. Or, press Ctrl+1 to access the first tab, Ctrl+2 to access the second tab, etc.

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